1-199 |
Number of Minutes Left in a Cycle |
No action is required. |
01-24 |
Delayed Start Option Activated |
To cancel the delay, press Cancel once. To cancel the cycle and start draining, press Cancel twice. To cancel the drain routine and shut off the unit, press Cancel three times. |
PF |
Power Failure |
Press the START/CANCEL button to reset the error. Check if the dishwasher is properly plugged in. Reset the circuit breaker if necessary. |
Door Locked Indicator |
No action is required unless the door is not unlocking. |
CL or Cd |
Door Open |
Ensure the door is firmly latched. If the issue persists, the door latch mechanism may need repair. |
HO or Hd |
Heat Delay or Heater On Mode Activated |
Ensure your home’s water heater is set to at least 120°F (49°C). Run the hot water in the sink before starting the dishwasher. Allow time for the dishwasher to reach the correct temperature. |
i10 |
Abnormally Low Water Level |
Ensure the water supply valve is open. Check the water inlet hose for kinks or blockages. Look for leaks under the dishwasher. |
i20, i40, iF0 |
Drain Line Restricted |
Ensure the knockout plug in the disposer has been removed. Check that the drain hose is not blocked, pinched, or restricted. Verify the drain hose height is at least 32” from the floor. Clean the filters and sump of any food debris. Reset by pressing Cancel, turning off the breaker, or unplugging the dishwasher for 3 minutes. |
i30 |
Leak Detected in Bottom Pan |
Unplug the dishwasher and check for leaks under and around the unit. Dry any water at the bottom of the dishwasher. Inspect hoses and seals for leaks and replace if necessary. |
i50 |
Drain or Wash Motor Failure |
Turn off the dishwasher and unplug it for a few minutes to reset. If the problem persists, a technician may need to replace the motor. |
i60 |
Water Heating System Problem |
Ensure your home’s water heater is functioning properly. If the issue persists, the heating element or thermostat may need replacement. |
iC0 |
Electronic Control System Failure |
Try resetting the dishwasher by unplugging it for 5-10 minutes. If the issue persists, the control board may need to be replaced. |
UO |
Vent Open |
Check the wiring connection between the vent and the control board. Replace the vent assembly if necessary. |
UF |
Vent Failure or Fan Not Running |
Check for any blockages in the vent area. If the fan is damaged, it will need replacement. |
ER |
Membrane Switch Failure / Stuck Keys |
Try pressing all buttons to see if any are stuck. If the error persists, replace the control panel. |
CE |
Configuration Error |
Check that all wiring connections are secure. If the problem continues, the control board may need replacement. |
rA |
Rinse Aid Reed Switch Failure |
Refill the rinse aid dispenser. If the error persists, the dispenser switch may need replacement. |
tu |
Turbidity Sensor Failure |
The sensor may need to be replaced by a professional. |
dP, FL, Rt, Sd, UL |
Relay Test Mode Errors |
If this was not intentional, reset the dishwasher by unplugging it for a few minutes. |
User Prompt |
Ensure the door is securely closed after starting the cycle. |