Bosch Dishwasher Fault Codes

Bosch Dishwasher Fault Codes

Complete Bosch Dishwasher Fault Codes

Fault Code Meaning Solution
E01-E05 Control Module Issues Disconnect power for about 15 minutes to reset. If issue remains, consider replacing the control module.
E06 Door Lock Issue Make sure the door is properly shut. If the problem persists, inspect and change the door latch if required.
E07 Drying Fan Malfunction Examine the fan for obstructions and clear any debris. If necessary, install a new fan motor.
E09 Heating Element Failure Check if the heating element is working correctly. Replace it if found defective.
E10 Temperature Sensor Issue Inspect the wiring and replace the thermistor if it’s not functioning properly.
E12 Limescale Buildup in Heating Element Perform a descaling cycle using an appropriate Bosch dishwasher cleaner.
E14 Water Flow Sensor Error Clean or replace the water flow sensor and inspect the water inlet valve.
E15 Water Leak Detected (Anti-Flood Protection) Check for possible leaks, dry out the base drip tray, and inspect hoses, pump, and door seals for damage.
E16-E17 Water Inlet Valve Issues Inspect the water inlet valve and float switch. If the water pressure is too high, adjust it accordingly.
E18 Low Water Supply / Insufficient Pressure Ensure the water supply tap is open completely and clean the inlet filter if necessary.
E19 Heat Exchanger Fault Seek professional assistance for repairs or replacements.
E20 Circulation Pump Error Inspect the circulation pump for issues and clean it. If the fault persists, replace it.
E21 Blocked Drain Pump Remove any obstructions from the drain pump and filters.
E22 Dirty Filter Blockage Take out and clean the dishwasher filter thoroughly.
E23 Drain Pump Electrical Issue Replace the faulty drain pump with a new one.
E24 Drainage Problem Ensure the drain hose is properly positioned and free from any clogs.
E25 Blocked Drain Pump or Hose Inspect and remove blockages from the drain pump and hose.
E27 Low Voltage Issue Verify that the voltage supply to the dishwasher is stable.

Reset Method: Hold the Start button for 3-5 seconds or disconnect the power for about 10-15 minutes to reset.

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